Plugin Tag: pages
Pages From Category
(0 total ratings)Allows you to add a widget with some number of most recent pages
azurecurve Series Index
(1 total ratings)Displays Index of Series Posts using series-index Shortcode. This plugin is multi-site compatible and contains an inbuilt show/hide toggle.
BuddyPress Sitewide Featured Posts
(0 total ratings)This is a BuddyPress plugin that allows you to select and display featured posts sitewide.
FS Link Posts
(0 total ratings)FS Link Posts is a simple plugin to enable you to manually associate a post with other posts you’ve created.
Easy Taxonomy Support
(0 total ratings)Use post tags and categories with pages and custom post types.
DC Hide Publish Button
(1 total ratings)This plugin will come handy for author who often accidentally click publish button when what what they realy want is save only.
ACF Autofill
(0 total ratings)A very lightweight WordPress plugin autofills ACF fields for quicker building and testing.
WP Sequential Page Number – Maintain a sequential numbering for the new pages
(0 total ratings)WP Sequential Page Number is a WordPress plugin to generate a sequential page number. This plugin will override the default ID generated by WordPress …
All Pages In Custommize: see all the pages in the Customize preview
(0 total ratings)It gives you the possibility to see every page in the Customize preview
azurecurve Icons
(0 total ratings)Allows a 16×16 icon to be displayed in a post or page using a shortcode.
Rundizable WP Features
(0 total ratings)Disable WordPress features such as pages, media, front-end.
azurecurve Breadcrumbs
(0 total ratings)Allows breadcrumbs to be placed before and after the content on a page; the azc_b_getbreadcrumbs() function can be added to a theme template to positi …
dig Description
(0 total ratings)Just the Meta Description. / 投稿ページやアーカイブページに、ただディスクリプションを設定できるだけのプラグインです。
Responsive Image
(2 total ratings)Responsive Image – Bringing automatic default responsive images to your content.