Plugin Tag: testimonials
WP List Testimonials
(0 total ratings)Outputs testimonials using information from your blogroll links.
Wiwitness Testimonials
(3 total ratings)Collect, manage and display socially verifiable testimonials. Instill confidence in visitors about your website.
WP Client Testimonials / Quotes
(0 total ratings)Plugin for managing and displaying random client testimonials on your site.
WP Testimonial Carousel
(1 total ratings)WP Testimonial Carousel Plugin is for Add Testimonials with this Shortcode '[testimonials]'.
Widgets for AliExpress Reviews
(0 total ratings)Embed AliExpress reviews fast and easily into your WordPress site. Increase SEO, trust and sales using AliExpress reviews.
Testimonials King Light
(1 total ratings)Easy to use most customizable free testimonials plugin with colour animation effect.
Smart Testimonials plugin
(2 total ratings)Smart testimonials plugin will allow webmaster to turn the boring looking testimonials into a fancy attractive page with several formatting options.
Super Easy Testimonials
(1 total ratings)Super Easy Testimonials adds flexibility to your wordpress site in creating and managing testimonials.
(SPYR) Tweet-stimonials
(0 total ratings)Add a Tweet-stimonials widget to your Available Widgets and use your Twitter favorites for automatic widget area testimonials.
WP Responsive Testimonial Slider
(0 total ratings)WP Responsive Testimonial Slider Plugin is for Add Testimonials with this Shortcode '[testimonials]'.For More info please check this Link ht …
Best Testimonial
(0 total ratings)Very simple and powerful testimonial system for wordpress website. Customizable & user friendly.
CreativeSignal Testimonials
(1 total ratings)CreativeSignal Testimonial allows you to present testimonials on your website.
WooTheme Testimonials to Testimonials Widget
(0 total ratings)Migrate WooTheme Testimonials entries to Testimonials Widget custom post types.
WPshed Theme Extras
(2 total ratings)WTE add powerful features to your Theme. It is designed to work with WPshed Themes, but all featured can be used in any other theme.
Think Up! Testimonials
(0 total ratings)A simple to use responsive testimonials rotator that uses WP's native text widgets and a sidebar.
Simple Fading Testimonials Widget
(1 total ratings)Easily add revolving and fading testimonials to your site, with a delayed author element, via a widget.
Recommend Us
(2 total ratings)Embed visitor or client recommendation or reviews about your startup or website to your website.